24 Usable Hours In Every Day... Right?

Guys, it’s no secret that I’m a raving insomniac! (not all the time, but more often than not…) Even when I feel tired I can’t sleep some nights, I want to, but there is always something to do, or to think about, and the more try to sleep the harder it is. Fellow sufferers out there will know what I mean… I just lie there in the darkness, forcing my eyes closed, and IF I’m lucky I’ll drift off, but then when I do sleep I’m plagued with vivd dreams or nightmares. So I always wake up exhausted.

During lockdown, my darling Sister In Law Becky kindly sent me a magic potion from her online Body Shop group, French Lavender Pillow Mist… and well, it’s delightful!! It smells amazing!! and as you spray it on your pillow it makes your hair (and your kitten’s) smell lovely!! The first night I used it admittedly it still took me a while to drift off, I think I just put too much pressure on myself to fall asleep immediately and then the longer it look me to actually fall asleep the harder it got, but once I was asleep, well I slept for around 7 hours… which believe me is nothing short of a miracle.

I woke up like Sleeping Beauty, headache and bad mood free. I don’t use it every night, but when I do I defo sleep better. I’m not saying I’m cured of my insomnia by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m not saying if you use it you will 100% sleep better. but it’s helped me, and it smells lovely. So it’s a thumbs up from me.

Pictured here with my Peacock Liberty Print Sleep Mask

You can find Becky on Facebook, just search for BECKY’S FAIR TRADE BEAUTY.
